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Important Social Media Stats In 2022

Important Social Media Stats In 2022

Important Social Media Stats In 2022

Steps Into Social Media

Do you recall your first tentative steps into social media? Myspace, Facebook (early days), Tumblr, and similar platforms were fantastic places to connect with friends, share engaging content, and even express your creativity.

These close-knit communities have evolved into the most powerful digital marketing ecosystem in history over the last decade. If you’re not utilizing the reach and features provided by social media, you’re likely passing up an opportunity to reach your target audience.

But don’t just take our word for it—we’ll present concrete evidence to back it up. To that end, this guide will walk you through the most important social media statistics you should be aware of before developing your digital marketing strategy.

1. Use of Social Media

Social media use is widespread throughout the world. Examine the social media usage statistics below to see how many active users are involved in social media engagement across these platforms:

  • By 2020, there will be 3.6 billion social media users worldwide.
  • The number of active users is expected to reach 4.4 billion by 2025.
  • People spend an average of 144 minutes per day on social media platforms.
  • The majority of social media users access it through a mobile device.

Digital access will only increase as internet infrastructure strengthens its global foothold (in simpler words: those that would otherwise not be able to have social media accounts will gain the accessibility, further increasing internet user count).

2. Facebook

Facebook (now a Meta function) remains one of the most popular social media platforms, particularly among adults. Furthermore, Facebook is the most popular social platform for marketing, which is why learning how to create successful Facebook video ads2 is critical.

Almost 93 percent of marketers create Facebook ads for promotional purposes. Facebook video ad metrics such as Facebook video impressions can be used to create effective Facebook ads.

The site’s popularity for advertising stems from its widespread use. Facebook has approximately 1.93 billion daily users, with 71% of them residing in the United States. 3 These daily Facebook users are generally older than those who use other social media platforms.

3. Instagram

Instagram, in contrast to Facebook, attracts a younger demographic. Instagram users are mostly under the age of 35. The ability to share more interactive digital content is thought to be the most appealing feature for young people. To put this data into context, some Instagram statistics you should be aware of include but are not limited to 4

  • Instagram will surpass one billion users in 2020.
  • That figure is expected to rise to nearly 1.2 billion by 2023.
  • Instagram was one of the most influential purchasing decision influences in women under the age of 25.
  • Instagram is used equally by young men and women.

While Facebook is effective for targeting older customers, Instagram statistics show that it is a far better choice for younger consumers.

4. YouTube

YouTube is the second most popular social media platform in the world, trailing only Facebook, trailing only Facebook. It is the largest online video platform in the world, with something for everyone. Do you need to finish a home improvement project? Check out YouTube. Do you want to hear a song that you haven’t heard in a long time? Put it in the queue on YouTube.

YouTube’s diverse content draws users from all over the world. Let’s look at the YouTube statistics to see how people are participating and engaging on the platform: 7

  • There were approximately 2.24 billion YouTube users as of 2021.
  • The United States has approximately 240 million of these users.
  • YouTube generated $28.84 billion in global advertising revenue in 2021.
  • Men account for 53.9 percent of YouTube users.

Advertising on YouTube is typically more expensive than on other platforms. However, the variety of content may assist you in reaching a larger audience.

5. Twitter

Compared to Instagram and TikTok, Twitter’s user base is more diverse. The following are some important Twitter statistics to be aware of:

  • In the United States, 42 percent of daily Twitter users are between the ages of 18 and 29.
  • Sixty-two percent of users were aged 30 to 49.
  • Only about a quarter of Twitter users are over the age of 50.

The majority of people use Twitter to consume news or for interactive live-tweeting during popular events.
That’s not to say Twitter isn’t a useful marketing tool; you can still use paid, promotional tweets to reach a specific audience.

6. WhatsApp

WhatsApp is the world’s most popular mobile messaging app.

To that end, there are over 2 billion global users, the vast majority of whom reside outside of the United States. Over the last five years, the app has grown in popularity around the world. There are nearly 75 million users in the United States, including:

  • 19% are between the ages of 15 and 25.
  • 27 percent are between the ages of 26 and 35.
  • 20% are between the ages of 36 and 45.
  • 17 percent are between the ages of 46 and 55.
  • 13% are aged 56 and up.

While it is not a true social media platform, WhatsApp for Business was launched in 2018. This app is intended for use by small businesses to connect with their customers.

7. TikTok

TikTok competes with Instagram for a younger audience. In the United States in 2020, there were 78.7 TikTok users. The age ranges of these users are as follows:

  • 25 percent are between the ages of 10 and 19
  • 22.5 percent are between the ages of 20 and 29
  • 21.7 percent are between the ages of 30 and 39
  • 20.3 percent are between the ages of 40 and 49.
  • 11% are over the age of 50.

This means that nearly half of all TikTok users in the US are under 30 years old. Again, if your target demographic is younger, TikTok is an emerging marketing hub that could be the ideal social platform for your content.

8. Social Media Advertising

Now that you’re familiar with some of the demographics associated with popular social media outlets (which should help you identify which platforms within the social network are most relevant to your business), let’s look at how businesses use these platforms for advertising with the help of an internet marketing service.

To begin, what are the advantages of social media advertising? Among them are:

  • Businesses have direct contact with customers.
  • It is frequently a low-cost channel.
  • There are more opportunities for customer interaction, which enables businesses to develop brand loyalty.

So, how do businesses use social media to market? The statistics below show the following trends in social media management and social media marketing in the United States:

  • Among the most popular ways to promote your business are Instagram and Facebook ads.
  • Social media marketing is used in some capacity by 92 percent of businesses.
  • Over 90% of marketing experts anticipate an increase in the use of Instagram for advertising.
  • In 2021, businesses in the United States spent more than $56.7 billion on social media ads.
  • By 2025, the amount of money spent on social media advertisements is expected to exceed $80 billion.

The most important takeaway?

Marketers understand the importance of reaching customers through social media and are willing to invest resources in doing so.

9. Conversion Rates and Social Media

So, is it worthwhile to invest in your social media site? To find out, let’s look at conversion rates. In a nutshell, conversion rates represent the percentage of people who clicked on an advertisement and then took the desired action (purchased a product, subscribed to a list, etc.).

Conversion rates, as you might expect, vary greatly.

According to one estimate, the conversion rate for successful social media marketing ranges between 2% and 5%.

This means that if your marketing campaign is successful, you may get 2 to 5 customers out of every 100 to take the desired action.

10. Observing Consumer Behaviour

Although not every customer you reach will buy your product or service, social media can still influence their purchasing behavior. 54 percent of social media users say they use social media to make purchasing decisions.

Consumers frequently use social media to:

  • Look for product information
  • Examine the feedback
  • Look for recommendations

This demonstrates the significance of knowing which platforms your target audience uses. It is to meet them where they are once you know where to find them.

Dimension VIZ Can Help You Boost Your Social Strategy

The above social media usage statistics show that if you know your audience, you know where to find them. It also emphasizes that social media converts, as well as influences, purchase motivation.

Aside from the statistics mentioned above, social media provides an opportunity to engage in open, honest, and engaging conversations with your customer base.

Dimension VIZ understands the power of social media marketing campaigns when they are executed with diligence, meticulousness, and creativity. If you want to work with a digital marketing agency that speaks every social media language, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll be the backbone of social media, and your brand will be the microphone.

Are you ready to begin?