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Enterprise Website Development: A Business Growth Platform

Enterprise Website Development: A Business Growth Platform

Enterprise Website Development: A Business Growth Platform

Today, whether your company is B2B or B2C, more than 92 percent of customers contact you via the Internet (and some would say 100 percent). Someone decides whether to scroll down or bounce out in less than 50 milliseconds (.05 seconds). Creating an Enterprise website or app in 2022 entails more than just creating a website, adding content modules, and selecting some eye-catching images. It must be brand-forward, technically adept, strategic in nature, and supported by key stakeholders within your organization.

Spending the time and resources to develop an enterprise-level website to represent your company is critical for mid-size to large corporations. It must not only be a fantastic website but it must also be laser-focused on providing a mobile-responsive experience!

What is enterprise web development, exactly?

Enterprise website development is a sort of development that is designed for a wide range of mid-to-large-scale business enterprises, including government bodies, financial institutions, non-profit organizations, and others. Because these firms are larger, their website content and back-end structure necessitate a greater level of development.

What are the prerequisites for creating a corporate website?

An enterprise website’s development process is typically quite complex and involves a high level of engagement with both the website developer and the business itself to produce a website platform that integrates the required capabilities for internal business communication and operation.

Among these business processes could be:

  • Interaction between employees and customers
  • asking for new business inquiries
  • Taking orders from the website directly
  • Value creation through informative material such as blogs, videos, or testimonials
  • Increasing traffic via search engine optimization
  • Examine current business traffic and other critical KPIs

An enterprise website development project may incorporate the following components to promote various business processes:

  •  Search engine marketing
  • Analytics and research tools
  • Media and corporate file storage management
  • Software Integration
  • Content editing tools

The capacity to adapt to any new business needs or requirements is also required for enterprise website creation. Changes in operations or structure may occur as a company grows. An enterprise website is built on a strong platform that can handle any new platform changes that arise (with the assistance of a website maintenance team) without interfering with the website’s speed or user experience. Drupal and WordPress are two website systems that are commonly used for enterprise website design.

What goes into the creation of an enterprise website?

Depending on the scope of the business, enterprise websites and apps can be extremely complex. A large, expanding infrastructure must be meticulously planned to ensure that everything works as it should now while also allowing for future expansion.

As there are many moving parts, a thorough understanding of your company’s business goals and objectives is required to launch a successful site that attracts customers and generates leads.

One of the most significant benefits of corporate website development, whether for consumers or employees, is the ability to expand features and capabilities. Let’s look at some of the components that are required for today’s Enterprise websites and apps.

How can a company prepare for a large-scale website development project?

Before beginning an enterprise website development project, a research and development component is frequently included to allow the development team to best understand the internal structure and needs of the firm.

This study phase could cover a range of duties such as:

  • Internal employee polls
  •  Current website traffic data analysis
  • Auditing of websites for SEO services, efficiency, and safety

Following the completion of the first research stage, the project’s genuine design & analysis phase may include:

  • Reorganization of content and site mapping
  • Migration of data to a new CMS platform
  • Making a database
  • Fixing any broken links
  • Search engine optimization of the website
  • Fixing any broken links
  •  Search engine optimization of the website

Elements of an Effective Enterprise Website or Application

You want an Enterprise website or app that can not only handle but also guide, your visitors through a complex experience. You’ll need a team that can work with an entire ‘tech stack’ of technologies and applications used to build the best websites.

This will include the following:

  • Front-end or client-side development will use coded technologies such as HTML, CSS, Jquery, JavaScript, and others.
  • Back-end or server-side coding and development will use languages such as Java, PHP, Python, and others.
  • Mobile Optimization – In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices accounted for 54.8 percent of global website traffic, and more than 60 percent of searches. Furthermore, Google’s most recent algorithmic changes are mobile-specific, and sites that are not mobile-optimized will lose search page ranking.
  • Web Development Framework – Rather than combining back-end and front-end development components into a cooperative ecosystem, developers today use a web development framework, a comprehensive collection of various components, tools, and libraries, to create multi-faceted server and client-side applications.

Using this pre-defined infrastructure, Enterprise websites with well-designed information flows and the necessary platform to interact not only with the end-user, but also to be scalable, streamlined, and secure, can be created.

Popular front-end frameworks include React, Angular, Bootstrap, and Vue.js, while back-end frameworks include Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Hibernate, Linux, Apache Struts2, and AWS for cloud-based applications. Some of the most popular databases for back-end development include MSSQL and Azure, Oracle, MongoDB, and MySQL.

  • Clear, Intentional Design – You want a site with a visual design that intuitively leads the user to the information they want while also being visually appealing.
  • Powerful encryption and security – Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report revealed that web apps’ ever-increasing complexities make them an irresistible target, accounting for more than 70% of all breaches.

Ensure that your development team is up to date on the latest security standards, testing methods, and firewall construction guidelines.

  • Strong Keyword Research and On-Page SEO – Almost 70% of online experiences start with a search engine. As of July 2021, Google controls approximately 92% of the total search engine market share as of July 2021. When there are millions of results for every search, ranking on the first page may seem overwhelming – but keep in mind that 90.63 percent of websites have inadequate or no on-page SEO.
  • Calls-to-Action that are clear – A ‘Call to Action,’ one of the most effective marketing tools ever, should be direct, clear, and strong enough to elicit a response from the customer. Sometimes asking what you want is all that is needed!
  • Generate Leads and Interest – While capturing people’s attention or imagination is great, you ultimately want to generate leads and make sales. Make sure your website’s design incorporates a well-thought-out sales funnel that leads to data capture or the checkout process.
  • Content Strategy – Everyone remembers the old Kevin Costner film “Field of Dreams,” but just because you build a beautiful website doesn’t guarantee that people will come. You must develop a content generation and social media engagement strategy that attracts and retains visitors to your site.
  • Modern Analytics – Today, every business runs on data. Make sure your website can gather important analytics for your business. You want a real-time option to gather, collect, and interpret your details into an actionable plan whether sales-related, site-related, or marketing spend.

To Summarise

Enterprise website development will be successful in 2022 if you and your design and development partners understand your business processes, customer personas, and marketing objectives.

These are all required to support an engaging website design process that provides solutions that meet your business challenges while providing your visitors with an unparalleled experience.

If you have a well-thought-out development process that takes into account the whole life cycle of a website or app, you can make better customer-facing solutions than your competitors.

If your company wants to play for keeps, contact Dimension VIZ’s Brand tenders. We specialize in cutting-edge technology and rock-solid security infrastructure, ensuring that your company provides the best interactive user experience available today.

Contact Dimension VIZ to learn more about our services, and please forward this article to someone you know who might benefit from it.