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Google’s Core Update for November 2021 is Now Live

Google’s Core Update for November 2021 is Now Live

Google’s Core Update for November 2021 is Now Live

Google has announced that the core update for November 2021 is now complete. Many people were shocked by this update. Which began rolling out on November 17th and persisted throughout the year’s busiest online shopping period.

Google said on the Google Search Central Twitter account, “The November 2021 Core Update rollout is now complete.”

When and how did you feel?

According to early data, this change appeared to spread out quickly and significantly for many of the inquiries that data providers track. After the original upgrade the day before and the day of Thanksgiving, as well as on November 30th. We saw some “tremors,” or shifts in volatility. These are the final sets of volatility you’d observe following the initial broad core update release.

More Information on the November 2021 Google Core Update:

The Search Engine Optimization Community

As I previously stated, the November 2021 core update hit hard and quickly. Not only in terms of ranking influence but also in terms of timing. On the Search Engine Roundtable. I was able to cover the community reaction in one blog post. Some early conversations, ranking charts, and social shares from SEOs are included.

If you’re hit, here’s what to do

In the past, Google has offered suggestions on what to do if you’ve been harmed by a core upgrade. There are no exact procedures to get back on track, and a decline in ranks may not mean anything is wrong with your sites. If your site is affected by a core change. Google has provided a list of questions to consider. According to Google, there is some recovery time between core updates. But the major difference would come after another core update.

Why should we be concerned?

When Google modifies its search ranking algorithms, your site’s ranking in the search results may improve or deteriorate. Knowing when Google makes these changes gives us a benchmark for judging. If the change is caused by something you did on your website or a change in Google’s ranking algorithm.

Any modifications to your site between November 17 and November 30 were most likely due to the November core update.

More on Google’s Recent Changes.

This year, Google has made several changes. This year, Google released several known upgrades as well as several unconfirmed ones. We had the following in the most recent order: Google MUM, the July 2021 core update, was released in June for COVID names and was mildly expanded in September for select features (but MUM is unrelated to core updates).

  • The Google page experience update,
  • The Google Predator algorithm update,
  • The June 2021 core update,
  • The July 2021 core update,
  • The July link spam update,
  • The November spam update rounded out the confirmed updates.

Core Updates in the Past

The most recent previous core update was in July 2021. Which was quick to roll out (similar to this one) and was followed by the June 2021 core update. Which was sluggish to spread out but significant. Then there was the December 2020 core update. Which was very large, even larger than the May 2020 core update. Also, similarly large and broad and took a few weeks to properly roll out. Before that, there was the January 2020 core update, which we discussed here. The previous core update, which was released in September 2019, was the one before that. Many SEOs and webmasters thought the upgrade was weaker than prior core updates because it didn’t have as much of an impact. In November, Google released another upgrade, this time focused on local rankings.