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Digital Marketing Trends That Will Define Business Strategies In 2023

Digital Marketing Trends That Will Define Business Strategies In 2023

Digital Marketing Trends That Will Define Business Strategies In 2023

Without a doubt, 2023 will be the year to sharpen our focus and build business strategies using digital marketing trends.

The pandemic’s challenges and disruptions, as well as geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainty, will make it a year unlike any other.

Businesses, on the other hand, cannot put 2023 on hold and wait to see what happens. To continue to grow – and survive – business leaders must implement strategies now. And digital marketing trends play a significant role.

This guide summarises the 2023 digital marketing trends you should be aware of if you want to grow your business.

Importance of studying marketing trends

To stay competitive and relevant in today’s marketplace, whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting, it’s critical to incorporate the latest marketing trends into your strategy.

A well-thought-out marketing strategy is a driving force in the development of a successful business.

What consumers want, need, and expect from brands today appears to be very different from what it was five years ago. Digital marketing trends change regularly, requiring businesses to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Unfortunately, not all businesses are quick to adapt to these changes. To stay ahead of the curve, you must scour the most recent reports, spend hours speaking with influential industry experts, and monitor endless consumer behavior data.

We hope these insights will help guide you as we head into the new year.

Marketing Trends that will define 2023

More inclusive media planning

Over the last few years, the advertising industry has placed a strong emphasis on more inclusive creative representation. This work must now include media planning as well. It is critical for people to not only see and hear people who look and sound like them but also to do so in environments that are familiar to them.

Inadvertent bias, on the other hand, can stymie inclusive media planning. Marketers must address this bias and embrace the breadth of content their audiences consume to truly engage and connect with diverse audiences.

Brands should conduct an audit of their media strategy in 2023. Look for potential biases in keyword and topic exclusions and whether the channel and publisher mix reach the intended audience’s breadth.

Consider how affirmative action can help underrepresented voices and communities.

Purposeful Advertising

People have prioritized sustainability, and they expect brands to assist them in making sustainable choices more manageable. They also expect organizations to have a greater impact on society than ever before and to match their words with their actions. As a result, we’re seeing brands shift from focusing solely on reducing their environmental impact to focusing on a larger purpose. They are becoming more active in highlighting important causes and inspiring action.

As a response to the amount of e-waste in society, the French company Back Market adopted the “reuse, reduce, recycle” mantra. To reduce the sector’s environmental footprint, they established a circular economy with their online marketplace for refurbished tech devices. Their advertisements cleverly convey this goal.

Avoid “purpose-washing” when aligning advertising with a goal. A commitment to a cause must be genuine, long-term, and accompanied by actions that go beyond words.

Interactive Marketing

Interactive marketing is a strategy that involves incorporating interactive elements into your online content such as games, quizzes, polls, and calculators. It aids in capturing users’ attention and engaging them on a deeper level.

There are numerous ways to use this marketing strategy, such as developing an online game that is related to your brand, collaborating with an influencer on a social media quiz, or incorporating polling into your website content. To increase your success with interactive marketing, focus on creating high-quality content that is relevant and engaging for your audience.

It’s the world of Gen Z.

Gen Z is the first generation to have fully grown up with the internet, and their online navigation and interactions are constantly evolving. Platforms that are dynamic and highly visual, meeting their ever-changing needs in new and innovative ways, are the most relevant for this generation today. By showing up where it matters most to them, Gen Z expresses where – and how – they want to engage.

Their decision-making process is markedly different from that of millennials.

As an example:

  • 50 percent of Gen Z believe businesses should take a stand on social issues such as climate change, racial justice, and LGBTQ+ rights.
  • 51 percent of Gen Z respondents said they are more likely to buy from a company that treats its employees well.
  • According to 55 percent of Gen Z, recommendations from influencers are one of the most important factors in their purchase decision.
  • When it comes to purchasing, 51 percent of Gen Z consumers consider sustainability to be somewhat important.

Marketing to Generation Z is more than just understanding how they shop and consume media. It is also important to understand their values, behaviors, and attitudes.

Brands that want to reach out to Generation Z can use influencers, incorporate social causes into their marketing strategies, and prioritize sustainability initiatives. Brands can stay ahead of the competition and improve their bottom line by adapting to the needs and preferences of this tech-savvy generation.

Experiment with augmented reality

During the pandemic, there was an increase in online shopping. This increased the importance – and expectation – of brands being innovative in offline environments. In 2023, the in-store customer experience should add distinct value. It’s all about encouraging physical foot traffic in addition to online shopping.

Augmented Reality (AR) and other immersive experiences have become critical to this goal. And, as AR technology becomes more widely used, consumer demand for immersive experiences will become even more prevalent in 2023. In fact, by 2025, it is predicted that more than a third of Gen Z will be shopping with AR.

Begin developing and testing immersive experiences for smartphones today. And you’ll be one step ahead when new AR hardware, such as glasses, becomes more widely available.

Short-form, snackable videos will see the most growth

People’s viewing habits are diversifying as they move seamlessly between screens and video lengths, each with different needs and expectations. To meet the needs of these viewers, many creators are experimenting with shorter-form,’ snackable’ content. And they’re having a lot of success. Indeed, YouTube Shorts now has 1.5 billion monthly active users and over 30 billion daily views2, making it a lucrative market for advertisers.

YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, and TikTok are all popular short-form video formats in recent years.

In today’s social media-driven world, virality is a game changer, which is why short-form video has become so popular. Short videos are the best way to engage and entertain audiences, capitalize on trending topics, and go viral with minimal effort and expense.

Businesses should prioritize incorporating short-form videos into their marketing strategy in 2023. Short-form videos are a tried and true way for brands of all sizes to reach wider audiences and build meaningful connections, whether you’re creating unique branded content, using user-generated content (UGC), or partnering with influencers to promote your brand.

Are you prepared for the Marketing Trends of 2023?

As you can see, knowing what your target audience wants is only one aspect of 2023 marketing trends.

Every business today competes in a rapidly changing landscape, and marketers must constantly evolve their strategies and tactics to stay one step ahead of the competition. To succeed in 2023, you must remain agile, innovative, and data-driven as Google rolls out new algorithms, new technologies emerge, and the world prepares for a potential recession.

Dimension VIZ can assist you in focusing on developing a thorough understanding of your target audience, which should be at the heart of your marketing strategy. We use all of the tools at our disposal to provide highly personalized experiences for each of your customers. We work on putting your audience first and using data to guide your decisions so that you’ll have a smooth-sailing road next year.